

Taking a brand to the next level

TINTORÉ BRASÓ - Taking a brand to the next level


Tintoré Brasó, Cosmetic Surgery Clinic launches Lipofit4D, a revolutionary technique that involves taking the client's body to the next level. Lipofit4D’s success stems from the artistic talent of its surgeons and their holistic vision of beauty. This product's launch entailed a revamping of both the brand and its architecture. 

The challenge was to craft an identity that, while continuing to transmit medical soundness, would also convey a world of emotions and beauty. An identity in tune with the hallmarks of a premium sector and transmitting a common commitment to improvement, to achieving the very best, to enhancement. The chromatic range was devised to represent the clients' different profiles and their varying desires. A singular, open and plural design that stands out from standard elements in the medical sector.

TINTORÉ BRASÓ - Taking a brand to the next level
TINTORÉ BRASÓ - Taking a brand to the next level
TINTORÉ BRASÓ - Taking a brand to the next level
TINTORÉ BRASÓ - Taking a brand to the next level
TINTORÉ BRASÓ - Taking a brand to the next level
TINTORÉ BRASÓ - Taking a brand to the next level
TINTORÉ BRASÓ - Taking a brand to the next level
From patient to client
